bring the house down [postmordem]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
bring the house down [postmordem]
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2023 18:23:16 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Damn can this job get any dustier?" The complaint about dust could have been avoided if what he was doing didn't require kicking up so much of it. That was going to be hard to do however as working with pure stone and earth just naturally brought that stuff to the surface. Even so inhaling a little bit of it wasn't going to stop Kaz from doing his job here and that was to make sure that no one would be able to use this rift to jump in and get themselves into a whole heap of trouble. His solution? Just block the whole thing off.

It was easier said than done though as the only Pokemon he had on him was a Mudsdale that was kicking down wall after wall to bury one of these rifts under a pile of rock. It was strong enough to do it but not fast enough to get it done on time. The more they sat here the more likely they were going to run into something or someone trying to look for it. Oh well that was a bridge that was something they would cross when they needed to. Hopefully no one was already in the process of sneaking up on them...


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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
bring the house down [postmordem]
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2023 18:38:04 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
A rumble through one of the many tunnels that make up Granite Cave is what draws El's attention. Initially, they had been heading for an entrance that was under League control - and yet, the noise and ruckus is enough for them to take a detour in its direction. What was going on? Were there people fighting up ahead? Was everything okay?

Much to their surprise though, they wouldn't come across a fight. Instead, they'd find a man and his Mudsdale, hard at work bringing down the tunnel over what looks to be another open rift. Though they blink quizzically at first, they realize that it made sense. Fewer rifts that League had to worry about - both for the fight within Deep Sea, and for the sake of preventing civillians from wandering in.

But is one Mudsdale really enough, to do this in a timely fashion, they wondered..? How long had the two of them been at this? They share a glance with their companion - Bibidi, the alakazam - before the duo decide to approach. So as to make themselves known, El would call out "Hello!" with a wave of their free hand in Kaz's direction. "Need a hand?"
Note: El walks w a cane in their left hand, it's probably pretty obvious they favor their left leg + the cane over their right leg.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
bring the house down [postmordem]
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2023 13:37:20 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The sound of someone's voice suddenly gives Kaz's body a jolt as he whips around with his fists up as if he's ready to go on the defensive. What he sees instead eases him up a little bit as there stands a person with a cane waving at him. Kaz lowers his guard and waves back, keeping at least his free hand still loosely balled into a fist as his nerves were a bit slow to die down completely, "Actually yeah. You in here to help out around here? We're trying to close up this hole here but uh..."

He looks back to see his Mudsdale try and kick at another boulder only to have its feet slip and slam onto the ground with a mighty clop. The horse let out an annoyed huff as it started to paw at the rock in anger, repeatedly tapping at it like he was trying to chip some of it off to make this a little easier on himself. Kaz couldn't help but weakly grin at the attempt before turning back to the newcomer, "Yeah with just the two of us its kinda taking a bit too long. And wearing us down too much. Don't suppose you got experience in demolition? Cause we'd appreciate the help."


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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
bring the house down [postmordem]
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2023 0:06:24 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
Demolition? El blinked, before sheepishly smiling. "I've never uh, done any demolition before... But I've got some pokemon who can lend a hand!" Grabbing a few pokeballs from their belt, El would let out three pokemon to join Bibidi and Kaz's Mudsdale - Yggy the Turtwig, Behemoth the Nidoking, and Akero the Togekiss. "Let's make a blockade, guys!"

Yggy and Behemoth both would help in the muscle department - even if neither of them looked particularly impressive, being a turtwig and a runty nidoking respectively. But, they both had plenty of spirit to fuel them! Motivated by Rivalry, Behemoth would move for the boulder - slowly but surely pushing it along, to help add it into the blockade that Kaz was making.

Meanwhile, Yggy would be using Bulldoze to break away additional rocks - rocks that Bibidi would help stack on top with Telekinesis, lifting the smaller boulders and putting them into place effortlessly.

And finally, Akero was the cheerleader - giving a happy whistle, and sprinkling Life Dew over everyone to help keep their energy up!

However, as El watched it all at work, they wondered... Would those sticky globs or ore from beyond the rift help with this..?
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
bring the house down [postmordem]
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2023 20:58:07 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Seeing the extra added hands brought out brought a smile to Kazimir's face as he watched them get to work and help out his own Pokemon with this little job. It only took a few minutes and already it looked like everything was progressing twice as fast. His Mudsdale was very much appreciative of the constant stream of Life Dew to help keeps its energy up that it started to hang a bit closer to the Togekiss to maximize the effects of it. "C'mon Big Mac! Its cool we got friends helping us but that doesn't mean ya get to slack off alright?!"

The Mudsdale lowered his head to hide the blush of embarrassment on its face as it got back to kicking down boulders and pushing them into place. As that was happening Kazimir just turned to the newcomer and gave a small smile and extended a hand out towards them. "Think we'll be able to finish this pretty soon, so I really gotta thank ya. Name's Kaz by the way, and uh...can't offer much other than thanks. Well...that and maybe some lunch. All this work does kinda build an appetite."



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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
bring the house down [postmordem]
POSTED ON Apr 22, 2023 10:13:35 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
Kaz's thanks would be met with a blink, and then a wide smile as El reached out to shake his hand. "O-Of course! I'm always happy to help!" They'd respond, adding "And uhm... Lunch sounds really good, honestly." They laughed sheepishly with this, scratching their cheek. It may or may not have been awhile, since they last ate...

But ultimately, with everyone working together, they'd have a proper wall put together in no time!

As Bibidi lifted another boulder to add it to the wall though, El would reach up to gesture for her to pause. "Hang on - I have a couple ideas, Bibidi." They'd dig into their bag - where they'd pull out a Sticky Glob, having retrieved a few from one of the outposts they had visited. Tossing it, they'd splat it against the stone - allowing it to act as glue, to better hold together the boulders!

And that wasn't all - there was also the mysterious ores that were being brought out. They only had a vague understanding of how they worked - although it was enough for them to want to give something try. Pulling one out, they'd then smash it against the wall - the red stone shattering, and in its wake, forming crystals that'd help fill in the gaps between the boulders in a portion of the wall!

Glancing over to Kaz, they'd ask "How's that? These should make it harder to break it back down, right?" Maybe if he had some, then he could do the same, too!
Used Sticky Glob #1 and Mysterious Ore #1

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
bring the house down [postmordem]
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2023 19:46:35 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As some items were brought out Kazimir couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as he looked at them in El's hand. One looked like a red shimmering ore and the other was some kind of ball of slimy sheen on it. Two things that he never quite saw before but when they were used on the work area they were busy with Kaz had to admit; they did seem useful. "Whoa. Okay yeah that seems like it'll help out a whole lot now." Guess he really was just completely under prepared for this job unlike them, and El previously did say that they were out here to help out. Guess that was all on Kazimir then.

"Here let me see some of that." Kaz took one of each orbs and ore into his hand and felt their weight in his hand. With a grin he threw one of the orbs against some boulders causing it to explode into a paste that seeped into the cracks and all over the floor creating a sticky hold on everything. Meanwhile the ore he threw managed to hit the top of the cave and suddenly spread into crystals that while they fanned out into a large cluster it suddenly fell from the ceiling and crashed into the boulders below shattering and splintering everywhere. Meanwhile the boulders seemed to stick in place thanks to the sticky globs that held them together. "Oh...oops. Guess I don't know my own strength, at least that glue is really holding everything together...right?"


used 1x mysterious ore and 1x sticky glob!

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
bring the house down [postmordem]
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2023 11:57:44 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
Kaz's response to their idea would prompt a shy smile from El - feeling proud of themself for having considered the Sticky Globs and Mysterious Ore. "Yeah - I, uhm, got these from one of the outposts I passed by, on the way to the cave." They mentioned - pulling out another glob and ore for the larger man.

"There's also these," They mentioned - showing Kaz a Scatterbang, before they put it back in their bag. "They won't help with the wall, but, uhm... They make a really loud noise when thrown or burst." Which would be helpful, in spooking away wild pokemon or even startling an enemy. (Although, they found out - after one brief misadventure - that you had to be careful to not slam one's bag around too hard, lest one bursts early!)

Kazimir was eager to put these new tools to work, though - which El would watch with clear curiosity. The Sticky Glob was put to good use in gluing together some of the boulders - although, attempting to use the ore would go awry, resulting in a practical stalactite of crystals slamming into the floor! El yelped - their free arm coming up to protect their face from any scattered shards - although thankfully, it didn't seem like anyone was hurt. Just startled!

At Kaz's remark, El blinked, before unable to help a soft laugh, nodding. "Y-yeah, it'll take a lot to break this wall back down." They agreed. Although, they were out of globs and ore now - which likely meant they'd have to restock at the next outpost they stopped at...

In the meantime though, El's pokemon were making the most of how widely the glue of the sticky glob had spread - using it as an opportunity to adhere more boulders and rocks to the wall. It was just about done, really - but there was no harm in shoring up the durability just a little more before the group has to call it good!
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
bring the house down [postmordem]
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2023 19:08:02 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"And with some finishing touches it'll be pretty much impenetrable. Think we did more than a bang up job on this one." As more and more rocks were put together and held with the sticky glob soon it looked like the cave had never existed at all. Instead it look like a wall had been there all this time covered in strange crystals jutting out from every direction on the rubble. It did give it an out of place sort of look but there was optimism in Kaz's eyes as he looked over the work.

"Bet if we had some chisels we could make it nice and detailed. Just kidding." As fun as that would probably be he had enough stone work to fill him for a good while. Now all he wanted to do was just take it a little easy to prep him for even dangerous work. Still his Mudsdale seemed to still trying his best to make sure it all looked nice by padding stones into cracks with his large hooves. "Well. that should be a job well done eh? Really gotta thank ya for the big help. Don't think me and my Pokemon could have done it well by ourselves."


used 1x mysterious ore and 1x sticky glob!

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April 12th
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5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
bring the house down [postmordem]
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2023 21:01:11 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
The joke about chisels makes El laugh a little - and they smile up at the larger man "I think it'd be a bit tricky for me to carve it with - well - with one hand," They muse out loud - briefly gesturing to indicate the cane they're holding. They probably-technically could just do it sitting down, but well - that wouldn't let them reach much of the wall, they were pretty sure.

The idea does seem a bit fun, though - maybe another time?

The thanks would be met with a brighter smile and a nod, meanwhile. "Yeah! I'm always happy to help," They respond earnestly, adding "This should, uhm, help keep innocent folks from just wandering in and getting lost in Ultra Deep Sea." Which, while they supposed there was a 'tactical' aspect to making a wall like - which was good and all - they were more focused on just keeping people from coming into harm's way.

Behemoth and Yggy would join in with Mudsdale's hard work - but Bibidi seemed to have had her fill, deciding that any additions to the wall would be more aesthetic than anything. Akero, too, would roost nearby - simply waiting until the need for more Life Dew arose.
MP Tally:
- Mission Participation (50 MP)
- Mission Completion (100 MP)
- Win (200 MP)
- x2 Assisted (20 MP)
- x5 Posts (50 MP)
- Used Sticky Glob (10 MP)
- Used Mysterious Ore (10 MP)
Total: 440 MP

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bring the house down [postmordem]
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2023 3:01:32 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MP THREAD COMPLETE!



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